Rube Goldberg

Rube Goldberg from simon ashby on Vimeo.
Here are three examples of our Rube Goldberg machine plans.

The first of our designs coming together-The class were all so engaged in creating their first machines-we had a lot of failures and a few successes. A wonderful learning opportunity.

A great way to measure our success and failures!
Check out my Thinglink! Just scroll over the photo to find some really cool links.
This is a pretty nifty way to share information don't you think?
You can embed anything you want onto a still image-including your writing/websites/youtube etc.

Some of those machines and domino chains are stunning! Enjoy.
We will be making some of these after camp.


  1. I love your Thinglink image and am going to share with my class tomorrow. Is your class planning on designing & building your own Goldberg machine/course? My class I are creating their own thinglink images, what tips or help would you give them? I look forward to seeing what Rube Goldberg inspires you to.

    1. Thanks-we are just making ours now!
      Movies and photos to come

  2. These are sooooo good

  3. These are Awesome!!!

  4. How does he do it?

  5. That looks really cool and hard at the same time.

  6. I like the "275,000" world record one!

  7. That's awesome, I didn't think that was possible.


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